Monday, August 17, 2009

Classroom Management

his category contains classroom management articles of interest to teachers and other educators. "Classroom management is a term used by many teachers to describe the process of ensuring lessons run smoothly without disruptive behaviour by students. It is possibly the most difficult aspect of teaching for many teachers and indeed experiencing problems in this area causes many people to leave teaching altogether. It is closely linked to issues of motivation, discipline and respect.
1: Dear teacher, what is your goal? (2.50/5)
Dearest teacher , Hello! Do you know my name? I always think my name is unique. Is it in your notebook? Do you have notes about my family background?I have a great family,surely you have one,too. Do you know our family culture and bits and pieces of my heritage that is a strong influence in the way I am? Are you familiar with my family traditions? Are you even interested in some? By the way teacher, do you know what community I come from? Do you know what the good

2: Show And Tell (2.00/5)
Imagine a classroom busy with children, arriving one by one to attend a day's class or workshop, as in the home school set-up. At the door way, a child lingers and hesitates to come in while she or he hangs on to mom's skirt or dad's shirt. Teacher looks on, approaches the child and encourages the child to come in , hoping that the child will readily agree to enter the room, hoping that not too much time will be spent doing this. Ther

3: Middle School Classroom Management: Behavior Action Plan (4.20/5)
by Adam Waxler One of the most difficult skills to master as a teacher is classroom management. Unfortunately, if you can not master this skill you are not going to survive as a teacher, especially as a middle school teacher. However, when the school year starts, many first-year middle school teachers are pleasantly surprised. All through their teacher training they were told how difficult classroom management at the middle school level can be and how important it is to have effective cla

4: 5 Classroom Management Tips To Silence A Noisy Class (4.00/5)
By Rob Johnson 1. The first thing to remember is that you are the boss. Self belief is incredibly important in this job. You can’t expect pupils to respond positively to you unless you believe, really believe, that you fully deserve their respect and compliance. The thought that you are the leader in the classroom must be at the forefront of your mind. If you give any sign at all that you are NOT in FULL CONTROL, children will sense this and exploit your weaknesses. You MUST project str

5: Effective Classroom Management Is About Getting Pupils To Follow Your Instructions Every Time (5.00/5)
by Rob Johnson When we are put in stressful situations the directions and instructions we give out to pupils who are annoying us are often very unclear and often impulsive. As such they virtually guarantee conflict when they are stated. Children become confused unless the instructions we give them are very specific - especially when they are in a state of anxiety themselves. Vague instructions give them choice, and if you want them to behave in a certain, specific way, you need to tell

6: Classroom Management Plan - Top 3 Ways to improve your classroom management overnight. (5.00/5)
by Lee Davies Classroom Management Plan - Top 3 Ways to improve your classroom management overnight. Looking for an effective classroom management plan is hard. Student behaviour is getting worse due to a variety of different factors, so it is no surprise that people everywhere are looking for an effective classroom management plan. So what should be part of your classroom management plan in your attempt to improve student behavior? Well an effective classroom management plan has many

7: The Number One Secret to Getting Your Worst Pupils to Behave (5.00/5)
by Rob Johnson There is one true key to successful behavior management. It doesn't matter how many effective teaching skills and useful behavior strategies you have in your arsenal; without this, your efforts will eventually come unstuck. The secret ingredient is... the teacher-pupil relationship. You see, when you really get to know a pupil you become aware of their triggers - the things that upset them and cause all sorts of problems in class. And when you're dealing with children w

8: An extremely effective classroom management tool (4.60/5)
by Rob Johnson An obvious fact that we're all aware of as teachers is that a student, when recognized for positive behavior, will feel less inclined to seek attention in inappropriate ways. Conversely, when a pupil's efforts are ignored, the chances of them disrupting the lesson to gain some attention are greatly increased. Young people need reassurance and encouragement if they are to continue to behave appropriately The problem we have, as teachers, is that we are told to give out pr

9: Time Management for Teachers: Why Start a New School Year with the Same Old Systems? (Not Rated)
by Denise Landers How can a teacher manage to find time during the day to get things done? In providing teacher time management training for school districts, I recognize that using time management in education at the teacher level is difficult because you face unique challenges: *Your time is booked every day. There is no leeway in altering a class schedule, so you must work within the very limited planning periods.*An important component of your job is to be available for students and

10: Classroom Management (5.00/5) By Bob Roach Classroom management is one of the greatest concerns for any teacher. This is especially true when teaching Middle School. In the paragraphs that follow It is my greatest hope that I will empower you as a teacher with some powerful tools that will improve your classroom management. After all, teaching and learning really should, and can, be fun. The foundation of classroom management is the relationship that you develop between yourself and the student. After all it will ulti.

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