Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan have worked ceaselessly for nearly fifty years to help end suffering, separateness, and conflict among people. They have helped millions receive the Oneness Blessing. It is Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavans vision to positively affect the global consciousness by awakening individuals to self-acceptance, healed relationships, spiritual growth while contributing to others. The alleviation of suffering is at the heart of the Oneness Blessing. |
As societies witness the greatest advances in history, inequalities continue to grow among individuals and nations. Despite improvements in technology,medicine, and telecommunications, a feeling of disconnection between individuals ensue. A great distance is perceived between humanity and the Divine. This separateness feeds on differences and is primarily the result of a flawed perception promoting emotional and existential suffering. If we are to aspire to a future of peace and prosperity, then the alleviation of human suffering must become a priority along with the recognition that there is no separation between humanity and the Divine. For an awakening of consciousness, these ideas must be considered along with the economic, scientific,or political solutions to the practical challenges we face.
Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan envision an awakening that allows humanity to live in creativity, collaboration and joy. Our new world would see unimagined progress in development, science, technology. We would discover efficient ways to protect the environment and distribute resources. It is a world where nations and individuals recognize cooperation is essential to our need to survive and thrive.
This new consciousness that will move humanity forward is facilitated by the Oneness Blessing because it creates an opportunity for "the heart to flower" or to awaken to a higher level of conscious awareness. Sri Bhagavan believes that the "Oneness Blessing would help create a new generation of human beings, with a new outlook, with a new sense of being citizens of the world, concerned with all the living things of the earth". This spiritual growth of all human beings and a positive and productive future of our planet is everyone's vision that is part of Oneness.
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